
A Guy's Guide On How to Attract and Keep a Woman: Get the Girl You Want

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Men are always trying to figure out what attracts women to men. Women typically make references to appearance, finances and power. Although those things might help, there are many more influential characteristics that will entice women. Overall, women are much more insightful and seek out disposition a lot more than just attractiveness. This is lucky for almost all men due to the fact that men are rough looking. Nevertheless, rough is sometimes a good attribute because it indicates power and dependability. It also shows that women are caring about a lot more vital things than just looks. So, if you look a bit rugged and rough, there is no problem with that, use it to your advantage. Using Your Body Language to Attract the Ladies According to several researches, ninety percent of communication with each other that is non-verbal, is basically done through body language. This is exactly why men must have decent body language skills if you are to attract a woman.

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