
The Tree That Wood Be: Emotions

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"Ugh!!" Scarlet tweeted in frustration at her top hat nest.

"What is wrong Scarlet?" Ashby asked her.

"This straw will not stay where it is supposed to stay! It is so frustrating!" Scarlet tweeted loudly.

"You sound really frustrated. Maybe you should calm down and rest a little, then try it again." Ashby said calmly. "We don't need your emotions getting out of control, now."

"Emotions?" Scarlet asked. “What are emotions?”

"Yes, emotions." Ashby answered and continued, "Your feeling of frustration is an emotion. Different people feel different emotions at all times. Whether it's calm and relaxed, happy, sad, angry, etc… like right now you are feeling frustrated. That is called an emotion and we deal with them every day of our lives... good and bad."

"Really?" Scarlet tweeted, still having her feathers ruffled. "Tell me more about emotions Ashby."

1. Scarlet Learns About Emotions

2. Timmy Loses Max

3. Sara’s Surprise Party

4. Ashby and Scarlet Are Afraid

5. Scarlet is in Love

6. Timmy Feels Loneliness


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