The Misadventures of Batty the Cat
When Batty the cat was born, he was the smallest out of his six brothers and sisters. Batty was born on a farm in a barn near the hay stack in the corner. Farmer Joe had put a blanket out for Batty’s mom, Pickles. Pickles was named Pickles because she was born near a pickle barrel one summer evening. Much like Batty’s mother Pickles, Batty was born on a warm summer night. Farmer Steve had heard Pickles howling really loud as she delivered her litter of kittens. Batty was the last to be born. Batty was a black cat with a little patch of white under his tummy. Even though Batty was the smallest, he still wanted to drink as much milk as he could from his mommy. When Batty and his litter were old enough, Farmer Ted took the box of kittens to the park and put up a sign that read “FREE KITTENS TO A GOOD HOME”. The litter of kittens went really quick. Except for Batty. Batty was the last one left. “Well, why won’t anyone take me home with them?” Batty thought to himself.
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