How to Take Care of & Raise your Thoroughbred Horse
You can learn how to understand and train your Thoroughbred Horse to be good, and learn some general helpful advice on horse care and nice living conditions for your horse.
1. The Characteristics of Thoroughbred Horse
2. How to Saddle a Horse
3. How to Muck out a Horse Corral
4. How to Raise a Pony
5. How a Bit, Harness and Reins Work
6. How to Use a Hoof Pick
7. What Kind of Shelter does your Horse Need?
8. How to Use a Round Pen
9. The Best Ways to Keep Flies of your Horse
10. The Different Kinds of Horse Saddles
11. How a Cow Horse Performs
12. How Horseshoeing is Done
13. How to Enter your Horse in Shows and Rodeos
14. Nice Safe Toys for Horses to Play With
15. How to Break and Train your Horse
16. How to Clean a Horse Stall
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