Killer Vacation in San Diego
Rachel was standing in front of her closet trying to decide what to wear. Gavin had slid out from under the bed and quietly walked up behind Rachel. He grabbed her around the throat with his arm and had her in a choke hold. He pressed the knife against her cheek and told her that if she screamed, he would slash her throat. She was terrified and listened to what he had said. He walked her over to her windows and closed them.
"We can't have anyone hearing us from out there," he whispered in her ear. He closed the curtains and then locked her door. Her towel had fallen off and she was completely naked. Gavin then took his wire and wrapped it around her wrists behind her back. "If you scream or make any noise, I will kill you and your friends too, do you understand?" he asked her. Rachel nodded, "Y..y..es." She let out a little cry. "Please don't hurt me or kill me. I have money in my purse you can have." She whispered trying to hold back her tears of fright.
"Well, I can't make those promises to you," Gavin said as he laid Rachel on her bed on her back. He walked over to her radio and turned it on, in case she decided to make any noises. He then walked over to her dresser drawer and pulled out a pair of her pink satin panties and walked back over to Rachel and shoved them in her mouth. "That's in case you get any crazy ideas of screaming or calling out for help," he said and then added, "Only one of us is allowed to be crazy tonight, and I believe I do have the market cornered on that." He then laughed a maniacal laugh. Gavin had definitely gone over the deep end at that point. All the alcohol mixed with his depression has caused a chemical imbalance in him that had now reached the point of no return. Any ounce of compassion, empathy, or any other emotion that a normal person would feel, like remorse, ceased to exist in Gavin's world.
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