My Neighbor Is a Slut & How to Turn Your Wife Bi or Lesbian: Two Fun Lesbian Stories
Lisa rolled her eyes, seeing the moving van pull up. She didn't want a neighbor. She enjoyed not having anybody next door bothering her. For two years she had been able to run her business out of her home and not have to worry about anybody else. The last neighbor had been a thorn in her side, so she had promptly made sure he left her alone - for good. He had moved him and his family out of this town quickly, before she'd told his wife his little secret. She giggled to herself. She really hated what a pain in the ass he had been to her, but remembering what had gone down made her smile and feel good all over. Lisa was a dominatrix. She did this for a living. She had ads on all kinds of websites, advertising what she did. She never mentioned that she required men to bring money with them when they wanted services, but once she got their personal information and verified they weren't any form of law enforcement, she would tell them on the phone that if they wanted her to take charge of their lives and not tell their secrets, they had to bring her $300 for their first session, which only lasted 30 minutes. These men did this because by this time, she knew their wives' names, their addresses, their phone numbers, where they worked, their bosses' names and phone numbers, their colleagues, their classmates, whatever it was that she needed. If they tried telling her that they refused, she jacked the price up and threatened to make the phone calls. Let's just say she never had a man not show up to the first appointment, and only one man in her entire three years of being a professional dominatrix did not show up more than once.
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